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Century Egg / 100 Year Old Egg / 1000 Year Old Egg – China

This is neither century nor 100 yrs old, but this egg is pretty rotten. After being preserved in a mixture of clay, ash and quicklime for a few months, the yolk turns a dark green or even black and slimy while the white has turns to a dark brown translucent jelly. Apparently it smells of strongly of sulphur and ammonia, but tastes like a hardboiled egg..

Jing Leed (Grasshoppers) – Thailand

This is famous street dish from street food from streets from city of banqok. This is a big old grasshopper seasoned with salt, pepper power and chili and fried in a big wok.

Wasp Crackers – Japan

a biscuit filled with wasps. Think chocolate chip cookies, only the insects replace the choccy chips. Apparently the digger wasp, which the biscuit contains.

There are still more ................

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