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Garlic a day keeps the Doctor Away

The more we learn about garlic, the more we see that a clove of garlic a day will probably do more to keep the doctor away than the proverbial apple. People have known of the healing powers of garlic since the beginning of recorded history. The Egyptian slaves used it to prevent illness and increase strength. The great Greek physician Hippocrates praised garlic's healing properties.

In modern scientific studies, garlic is proving its historical reputation. Research has demonstrated that garlic is effective against bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Studies have also demonstrated its usefulness in combating heart disease. Garlic helps to lower high blood pressure and to prevent (and possibly even reverse) hardening of the arteries. Research also suggests garlic is useful for parasites and even cancer

Benefits of garlic

Prevent Alzheimer’s disease

This also goes for other degenerative diseases like dementia. This common ingredient contains antioxidants that prevent the negative effects of free radicals.

Lower cholesterol

Garlic is recommended for people who have high levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL), as well as people who have a history of heart disease or heart attacks.

It can help prevent future heart disease, stroke, heart attacks, and high blood pressure.

Fight viruses

Garlic can help quickly alleviate a cold or a sore throat. The duration of most symptoms can be reduced by up to 70%.

If you’re vulnerable to changes in the weather or get sick a lot in winter, don’t hesitate to consume garlic on a regular basis.

Promote detox

Heavy metals and other toxins build up in your body thanks to the food you eat or exposure to environmental contaminants. These can be eliminated with the consumption of sulfur…one of the components in garlic!

Garlic contributes to both physical and mental performance.

  • It thins the blood

  • It prevents cancer of the stomach.

  • It improves joint health (for example, in people with arthritis)

  • It opens the lungs

  • It helps avoid kidney or urinary tract problems

  • It helps optimal liver function

  • It fights constipation

  • It eliminates parasites

  • It balances blood sugar levels

  • It helps treat herpes and eczema

  • It reduces anxiety and calms the nerves

  • It reduces uric acid levels, which can lead to gout and rheumatism

  • It helps treat varicose veins

Studies show that when garlic is taken with the typical fatty meal, the blood fat and cholesterol levels stay low as compared to the sky-rocketing affect which occurs after a fatty meal minus the garlic. In fact, taking garlic helps increase the HDL's or good fats in your blood.

Need more reasons to start chewing on a clove of garlic every morning .Go ahead with garlic for a better and improved health.

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