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Foods which can whiten your teeth

In India, when I was growing we been told to restrict our diet of tea, coffee & chocolates. But we can t stop & end up with yellowish teeth. Then we wonder how we can whiten our teeth like before.

It’s funny too when I tell my 6 years daughter not to drink water over tea with my own yellow teeth.

Here are some natural foods which can help to whiten your teeth. It may not be as effective as market whitener but it can save some bucks.

  1. Strawberries - It has enzyme called malic acid which helps to whiten teeth. Crush few strawberries whenever you buy next time for your salad or smoothie, rub over your teeth & leave for 5-10 mins. Rinse & floss after.

  2. Apple – this all season fruit is best for mouth freshening. it kills bacteria with saliva production & kills the germs which are responsible for bad breath. This is root cause for brown teeth.

  3. Carrots - fresh carrots in your salads, raita will clean your teeth like cleanser & get rid of bad bacteria.

  4. Oranges & pineapple - all these tart fruits creates saliva into your mouth which clears your teeth naturally. But do not have more lemon it will damage your gums in longer run.

  5. Baking soda – it is best remedy to cleans teeth which clears plaque from our teeth. Always suggests use it with your brush or abrasive.

  6. Curd, milk & cheese – these dairy products clears any food leftover on our teeth. Also it helps in tooth decay & controls cavity in teeth.

So now we can suggest or add these foods in our diets not only for their nutrients but to whiten our teeth.

That’s a lot for today & keeps smiling with confidence.

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