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Mixing blends all ingredients & distribute them uniformly throughout the batter or dough

  • Mixing adds the invisible ingredients – air incorporating molecules of air contributes to the lightness in texture of the finished product. During the mixing process small bubbles of air are incorporated into batter & dough. These air bubbles work in random with chemical leavening, like baking powder & baking soda & with yeast & steam enlarging them. These enlarged air bubbles expand in the oven as the heat rises forcing batter & dough to rise.

  • Mixing controls how much gluten develops in yeast breads, gluten development is encouraged. In quick breads gluten developments is discouraged. The amount of gluten that develop affects the texture of the finished baked goods.

  • Mixing method incorporate the other ingredients in the recipes for development of dough or batter to the right consistency to make a good baked products.

Factors of mixing

> The physical act of mixing.

> The tools used for mixing.

> The order of ingredient added.

> The mixing method used.

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