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Understanding Wine at DYPU SHTS

Wine is more than just a drink; it’s a lifestyle, a survey into history, a gastronomic adventure, a study in farming and a way to explore different cultures. But, in India, wine as a chapter and lifestyle is yet obscure.

Striving to be the best and producing geniuses has made D. Y. Patil School of Hospitality & Tourism Studies design a unique wine guide for their students to know everything about wine. Here are a few unique examples given to students to answer their queries about wines as they need to have a clear picture since they cannot taste wines.

Q- Why is red and white wines served at different temperatures?

A- Red and white wines have different textures and flavors and to get the right flavor it needs to be served at a certain temperature. For example, a red wine is like a mazza, if served ice cold, you cannot get the taste of mango but when served less chilled you get the aroma and flavor of mango to its fullest. Hence, red wine needs to be served less chilled since its flavors and aroma can be bought out only when served at the right temperature. Similarly, a white wine is like sprite, if not served very chilled, you do not get the actual flavor and you taste more of the sugar.

Q- Why and how is food and wine paired?

A- Food and wine is paired so that you enjoy both the flavors to the fullest. For example, when we have chai we want biscuits along with it because it’s the perfect combination; similarly, there are wine and food combinations. To be more specific we can have a lot of biscuits with chai but parle-g and chai go along the best. This is exactly how food and wine is paired. There are certain food that go very well with certain wine flavors and pairing the right food with the right wine is important.

Q- How can there be hundreds of grape varieties?

A- Its very simple. The way we have types of mangoes, similarly, there are types of grapes. The only difference being the Europeans have taken their grapes very seriously and we have not taken our mangoes seriously yet. If our country needs to attract more tourists, the hospitality industry needs to follow and have knowledge of the latest trends. That’s what DYPU SHTS believes and inculcates the same in their students flourish and so that they can create a mark for themselves in the hospitality industry.

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