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Hospitality Phrases that Guest Remember Most:

Hospitality Phrases that Guest Remember Most:

What we say to our guests is an important part of their overall hotel experience and this is why no matter how repetitive we might get, we must always utter these words with the highest level of sincerity.

"It's My Pleasure"

Having a service-oriented work disposition is very important for us working in the hospitality industry. Guests stay in a hotel with a mindset that their needs will be catered to. Not only that, they expect the people tending to them will exude a certain level of joy in doing so.

This is why the expressions above matter. Telling your guests that it gives you pleasure or happiness to take care of them rubs off on them - meaning, they would feel more positive because they know that the people attending to them are happy to do so. They will feel more comfortable reaching out to you and your staff for their needs, as opposed to keeping their concerns to themselves, which can lead to bad reviews later on.

"Thank You..." "We Appreciate..."

Technically, our guests don't owe us anything. They are paying for their stay and we have to make sure that they get their money's worth.

On the other hand we owe everything to our guests. Travelers will only come back to hotels where they feel that their business is appreciated. This is why every opportunity we get, we have to thank them. Thank them during check in. Thank them during their checkout process.

Thank them when they give you feedback. Thank them when they say nice things about you and your hotel. A simple "Thank You" can go a long way in terms of building a lasting relationship with hotel guests.

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